Good Reads

Are you on GoodReads? I am! If you’re unfamiliar, it’s a site that lets you track your books, keep a list of those you want to read, see what your friends are reading and get recommendations based on your past reads. They set up a Reading Challenge each year that lets you set a # of books you want to read and keeps track of your progress throughout the year. Right now I’m one book ahead of schedule, phew.

2013 Reading Challenge

2013 Reading Challenge
Kellie has
read 4 books toward her goal of 24 books.

I am positive it has kept me on task with my reading – something that is important to me but I still needed that little push to make it happen. As evidence, I can see on Good Reads that I’ve gone from 3 -> 14 -> 16 -> 24 books read over the past 4 years. 24 is my goal again this year. Two books a month should be doable, right?

It’s only February but my favorite book so far this year is How to be a Woman by Caitlin Moran. If the title troubles you, try to look past it. I’m hoping to read one or two classics that I’ve missed out on (there are so many!) like Pride and Prejudice, which turns 200 this year.

The New York Times discovered Good Reads, too.